Centerra is tailor-made for industry. Located in the hub of Northern Colorado. Offering a wide range of space options. Thoughtfully designed with amenities that enhance workforce health and productivity. And woven into the vibrant community fabric of Centerra, close to restaurants, shopping, trails, parks and nature.
At the key regional crossroads of I-25 and Highway 34, Centerra makes accessibility and operations more efficient. Workers who commute from other areas along the Front Range will soon be able to take advantage of the Centerra-Loveland Station mobility hub, with express bus service extending from Fort Collins to Denver. And Centerra is a commercial and cultural center for the region. An established, award-winning community that’s home to over 150 businesses, 8,000 employees, 1.5 million square feet of retail, a regional healthcare center and a full range of home choices, from apartments to townhomes to single-family homes with lake views.